Membership runs from July 1st to June 30th. Renewals must be submitted by June 30th to avoid a $25 late fee!
For skaters moving up from Basic Skills levels and planning to start testing or competing. This discounted membership is available for the first year only.
For skaters under 18 who wish to test, compete, or participate in USFS-sanctioned events. Includes membership for one parent/guardian.
For siblings of Home Club Members, offering all home club benefits at a discounted rate.
For skaters over 18 who wish to compete, test, and participate in USFS events at all levels.
For certified coaches who comply with USFS Category A or B requirements. Coaches must complete registration directly with USFSA.
For skaters who are home club members elsewhere but wish to attend SC of Brewster events at a reduced fee.
Offers the same benefits as Home Club Membership but valid for four years at a single fee for college students.